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大家在看我可能是一只假的奥特曼 绝世神医:鬼帝的腹黑狂妃 影视:流窜在诸天的收集员 回忆青春第一次爱的人 盗墓小农民 神奇宝贝之智辉 食戟之中华一番 超勇的我随身带着英雄世界 盛华 漫威之乱入轮盘 
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Adjusted Quests

Different from money which requires grinding farms and selling items, quest points reflect another aspect of the gameplay: persistence. Quest tops should be given more recognition so it encourages more players to get on and do quests on a daily basis.

Add armor stand pedestals displaying top players in quest points.

Adjusting quest rewards and difficulties

Daily quests should be easy to do with less reward (1.5k each instead of 2k each. 1 quest point each). Some good options are:

Collecting a small amount (10-50) of items (easy to obtain) in inventory

Eating a small amount of food (5-20)(easy to obtain)

Placing down a type of block for a number of times (2-7)

Harvest a small amount of crops (50-100)

Weekly quests should be more difficult than daily quests but are not very hard to do (15k each, 5 quest points each)

Crafting a certain amount (45-150) of items

Catching a certain amount (45-150) of fish

Killing a certain amount (45-150) of mobs

Destroying a certain number (200-700) of blocks

Taming mobs for a certain number (15-50) of times

Trading with villagers for a certain number of times (30-100)

Monthly quests should be challenging and time consuming with a relatively high reward (60k each, 15 quest points). Some good options are:

Fishing up lots (70-200) of trash

Enchanting lots (70-200) of items

Eating lots (70-200) of valuable or rare food (like golden apple, cooked fish)

Getting many (20-50) kills in PvP

Breeding mobs many (70-200) times

*Destroying spawners (20-50) times

New Achievement System

Adding new Achievements server-wide and season wide which can serve as nice collectibles and tutorials. For example:

“Claiming a Plot”

“Visiting the Overworld”

“Obtaining an Elytra”

“Breeding a Mob”

“Killing the Ender Dragon”



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