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Rick said,“Exactly, but except for little kids like you! And equal rights are definitely what I have been trying to convince you so far.“

Oscar said,“But you just violated my rights by forcing me to accept your declaration, which contradicts itself....... I surely have my privilege to disagree with you and name you as something that I think you are. I would be free to ment on anything that pokes into my eyes as queer or weird or disgusting or abnormal...... I say you are not a woman in a man's body. You are just being naughty, to mess everything up, enjoying yourself by looking at the chaos that you have created on purpose.... Are you trying to escape from a man's duty, and refuse to perform a woman's duty as well? Is that why you transfer all the time?“震惊。有人想鼓掌了。

Rick said,“You are being very mean to people like us.... I am not escaping from any man's or woman's duty, as if there were such things at all! I just have realized my dream of being not a man in the authentic world, which is disgusting.“

Oscar asked,“Why do you hate men so much? On behalf of the men-hating women? If they don't like male, why not just shut it, leave men alone and keep their pathetic feminism to themselves?“给人扣上她无法反驳的帽子,贴上她不想要的标签……这个奥斯卡很坏。

Rick said,“Do you actually understand what a woman is? You are barely ten years old..... Actually there are at least one hundred genders other than just male and female.......“这个女人弱爆了。

Oscar said,“I don't care how you name your identities, if you amuse yourself in that way. I was just saying—— Stop lying to yourself and stop making believe! Stop ruining the society by labeling everything politically right or wrong! Stop calling ordinary people names, like racist, or homophobic. Stop referring to yourself as a god or goddess, as if you had contributed to human evolution something worthy!“

Rick stormed out of the camera.

Oscar went back to his mobile game.








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