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“Don't over respond.” Lock said,“They are your friends, and they showed concerns about our life. The more pathetic we look, the funnier it would be when they know what we're really like.”

“Yes, some of them did try to ruin my self-esteem and nearly convinced me to pity myself. How can one be so mean?”

Lock suggested,“I've e up with an idea. Why don't we hold a party?” He hesitated,“Does any of them have a family?”

“No, none of them do. People don't get married these days, I guess they are afraid to give mitments.” Mandy formed a smile as though she felt sorry for her friends.

“So, that settles everything.” Lock smiled back,“We invite a bunch of kids.”

“Do we know other kids besides those in Oscar's kindergarten?” Mandy asked.

“Oh, of course we do,” announced Lock,“There are plenty of kids, Asian, Latino, and black in the children's hospital. This will be a fund -raising party for disabled children, and me as well.” Lock sat back into the wheelchair as quickly as his knees allowed to carry him, which amused Mandy like hell.

“Since they are so kind, sure they don't mind donating some dollars for the good course?” Lock questioned.

“That's really nice of you. All of my friends would be very thankful if they are offered a chance to show that they really care for the handicapped.” Mandy bit her lips, trying hard not to laugh.

“I suddenly remember I have one or two acquaintances on the press.” Lock sneered,“They would die to see me on the move again.”


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最近更新十天一天赋,成为吸血鬼的我太BUG了 克苏鲁世界的第一法师 精灵之翼 行走在希望之路 魔王的最优养成计划 恶魇巫师 开局一粒种 勤奋的法师领主 始界神行 轮回命运 永恒议长 吞噬万物:从蝼蚁进化成无敌巨兽 国运游戏:让你升级安全区,你建生态领地 回归后,我被绝美师姐骗了色 无序使徒 荣耀属于暴风城 魔法世界的机械异端 攻略地下城,我能解锁全职业 不凡旅程 遇异旅 
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